To a foreigner, business travel may seem like a glamorous and exciting opportunity to explore the world and get paid for the privilege, but the unfortunate fact is that when you’re rushing between meetings and conferences and doing your best to keep up, there’s often little time left to explore or see the local sights.
In fact, after a long, busy day, you may find that you have little energy left to do anything other than stay in bed at your hotel for the night, preferring to relax with a little entertainment rather than rushing with a suitcase in hand to catch a fleeting glimpse of all the local landmarks.
If this scenario sounds familiar, you may be wondering what hotel room entertainment to bring to make sure your next trip is a little more enjoyable.
Here, we take a look at four simple ways to keep boredom at bay during your next business trip, with something for every type of corporate traveler.
1. Streaming

Streaming services allow you to watch what you want, when you want, and for the business traveler on the go, they can be a real lifesaver, but even our favorite viewing can become monotonous from time to time.
For broadcasts that offer something out of the ordinary, GINX Esports TV is a unique subscription service that grants access to sports TV all day long. If you’re a gaming enthusiast and often miss the opportunity to relax with FIFA while on the go, this is a great way to get you going.
2. Reading

You don’t have to carry tons of books with you every time you travel, and a relaxing fiction book or some simple entertainment magazine are great ways to relax and unwind when your mental space is limited.
To save space, invest in a Kindle or other type of e-reader so you can always have multiple options at your fingertips, ideal for indecisive people or those who read fast.
3. Organize

If you feel like you can’t relax at all on your work commute, why not use the free time you have to do something a little more productive and plan your week or month ahead?
If you really want to get ahead of the game, you may be surprised to learn that paper organizers have actually proven to be much more efficient than digitized planners, so it could be all you need to set yourself up for success.
4. Treat yourself

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On the topic of indulging yourself, why not indulge in a little retail therapy during your downtime? You may not have the energy to see all the local sights, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay cooped up in your hotel room entirely, and a spot of shopping or splurging on a Michelin-starred dinner at a nearby restaurant. restaurant could be just the boost you need after a long, stressful day.
For these types of outings, and where time is limited, it’s a great idea to plan ahead. Whenever possible, check online ahead of time to find the best places to go and save yourself the aimless wandering that often comes with unfamiliar locations and can quickly eat up valuable free time.